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Racing NEWS Rendy owners of Honda Civic in 2004 without leaving a total makeover of the original device from his car with a concept that leads to the fashion of racing car speciallypackaged to follow the ABT event this time. Nominee title-winning King has been severaltimes following the ABT Medan prestigious event with the same car but different conceptsin each appearance.

Looking into the legs there is a change and brought the wheels Volk Race JDC diameter9.5 on the front and 10.5 in the rear. Meanwhile, to help the performance of the feet addedto the size of 245/35/20 tires on the front and 275/30/20 in the rear, so the moreimpressed with the direction of racing.

The body of the car, Rendy trust of his own ideas to change the exterior of each side in thisStore. Plain white bandage on the stretcher this car to fit the concept of fashion direction. Ifthe view to the front there is the addition of an addon as well as changes in the rearview mirror bumpers wrapped in carbon materials. Carbon packing material was visible on the back of the car precisely on the rear wings add to the impression of racing was on the back of the car.

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